Keith Schacht’s Weblog


Series: Today I Learned

A collection of concise write-ups on small things I learn day to day across a variety of languages and technologies. These are things that don’t really warrant a full blog post.

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💡 TIL: Ruby can chain methods and right-assign #

I just learned that ruby supports re-writing this:

total = plus_shipping(with_taxes(subtotal(items)))


subtotal(items).then { |subtotal| with_taxes(subtotal) }.then { |total| plus_shipping(total) } => total
from davetron

💡 TIL: Rails migrations can include an up_only part #

When writing a migration in Rails and you need to do one thing which can’t be automatically reversed, I always convert a def change to up and down. It turns out you can slip in an up_only block:

class AddFieldsToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
  def change
    add_column :users, :first_name, :string
    add_column :users, :last_name, :string

    up_only do
from RubyCademy

💡 TIL: NASA’s Dragonfly probe to Saturn’s Titan in 2028 #

In 2028 NASA is launching a spacecraft to Saturn’s moon Titan to study its habitability in a mission named Dragonfly. It will land in 2034. They’re sending a drone powered by a radioisotope thermoelectric generator so they can visit a variety of sites. Titan is notable because it’s believed to have a similar chemistry to ancient earth. Past probes have measured the contents of the atmosphere and confirmed it contains a mix of hydrocarbons. The surface contains a lot of water ice and scientists believe there is a water ocean in the interior of the moon.

💡 TIL: Rails ActiveRecord has a .sole method #

I just learned about `sole` and `find_sole_by`. They ensure that only a single record is returned and will raise if there is something other than one. It’s the equivalent of:

api_keys = user.api_keys.where(key: key)

if api_keys.length == 1
  api_key = api_keys.first
elsif api_keys.length == 0
  raise "No records found!"
  raise "More than one matching record found!"

💡 TIL: pick is the single-value version of pluck in Rails #

Instead of doing

you can do

💡 TIL: Elegant solution to versioning an API #

The couple times I’ve done API versioning it was with /v1/ or Both of these are the generally recommended pattern within rails. This article outlines a querystring based approach to API versioning and a much more flexible implementation strategy that avoids a lot of duplication and code maintenance.


💡 TIL: Regex within string square brackets #

I’ve always known that Ruby supports ranges within a string’s square brackets. So in addition to the simple `name[4]` I can do `name[2..4]` and `name[2...]` and `name[-1]`. But I just learned you can put regex in the square brackets for more dynamic substring selectors: `“”[/.+\+(.+)@(.+)/, 2]` will give you the subdomain of the email address. It even works with named capture groups! `“123.45”[/(?<dollars>\d+)\.(?<centers>\d+)/, :dollars]` will give you the dollars. The article has a few other notable examples.


💡 TIL: Ruby’s clamp method reduces conditionals #

You can constrain a variable to be within a range using clamp:

5.clamp(1, 10)  # => 5
-3.clamp(1, 10) # => 1
15.clamp(1, 10) # => 10