Tuesday, 26th November 2024
💡 TIL: NASA’s Dragonfly probe to Saturn’s Titan in 2028 #
In 2028 NASA is launching a spacecraft to Saturn’s moon Titan to study its habitability in a mission named Dragonfly. It will land in 2034. They’re sending a drone powered by a radioisotope thermoelectric generator so they can visit a variety of sites. Titan is notable because it’s believed to have a similar chemistry to ancient earth. Past probes have measured the contents of the atmosphere and confirmed it contains a mix of hydrocarbons. The surface contains a lot of water ice and scientists believe there is a water ocean in the interior of the moon.
🔗 Vampire game based around AI voice: SUCK UP! (#) This is one of the best examples I’ve seen of games creatively incorporating LLMs. You are a vampire character, you walk up to houses in a neighborhood and as the player you actually talk aloud to your computer and the NPCs talk back. You have to convince these NPCs to let you into their house.
🔗 Rails web-based database admin (#). A rails gem that gives you a web-based interface to your database.
💡 TIL: Rails ActiveRecord has a .sole method #
I just learned about `sole` and `find_sole_by`. They ensure that only a single record is returned and will raise if there is something other than one. It’s the equivalent of:
api_keys = user.api_keys.where(key: key) if api_keys.length == 1 api_key = api_keys.first elsif api_keys.length == 0 raise "No records found!" else raise "More than one matching record found!" end
💡 TIL: pick is the single-value version of pluck in Rails #
Instead of doing
Messages.pluck(:user_id).firstyou can do