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1 item tagged “bci”

🔗 A complete map of all neurons and the connections in a fruit fly (via HN) #

The brain contains 10^5 neurons and 10^8 synapses that enable a fly to see, smell, hear, walk and fly. Flies engage in dynamic social interactions18, navigate over distances19 and form long-term memories20. Portions of fly brains have been reconstructed from electron microscopy images, which have sufficient resolution to reveal the fine branches of neurons and the synapses that connect them. The resulting wiring diagrams of neural circuits have provided crucial insights into how the brain generates social21,22, memory-related23 or navigation24 behaviours.

I wonder how long it will be before we can run a complete simulation of this brain on silicon? Maybe there is missing information still such as the weight between neural connections.

#permalink 10/18/24, 7:18 pm / bci